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On many, many, MANY levels Trump’s ascension to the most powerful position in the US is a complete and utter disaster, and must be fought with all the powers we have as a sane and human nation - but there have been positives that have come from this dreadful debacle. Every cloud, no matter how grey (or orange with terrible hair in this case) has its little silver lining shining through the storm to give us a little hope and the encouragement to carry on. The uniting of people of all races, religions and classes to resist the Trump presidency and his attempts to divide them, not just in the US, but across the world, is something I have never seen before and is quite phenomenal. I may only have been on this Earth a mere 21 years (soon to be 22 - welp) but I feel many will agree. Brands, celebrities, and individuals from all walks of life stand together in opposition of the tyrannical Cheeto named Trump in such a ferociously united manner that may never have happened if it hadn’t been called into existence by such an extreme and unprecedented set of circumstances.

Just take the women’s marches of a few weeks ago, for example. Taking place from Washington to the Bahamas, the marches overshadowed Trump’s first day in office (much to his outrage I’m sure - who knew the incapable sex could cause such insecurity???), and turn out was in the millions. One million attended the Washington march alone - amazing!! Whilst persistently trying to undermine women’s rights (in lets face it, a very poor attempt - women have been fighting the likes of such oppression since the dawn of time), Trump may have inadvertently catalysed its development - oh the beautiful irony.

Here are some of my favourite chants that were heard from the crowds in the US:

“We want a leader, not a creepy tweeter”

“Can’t build a wall - hands too small”

“He’s orange, he’s gross, he lost the popular vote”

However, it wasn’t just the women’s matches that attracted civilian activism - people took to the streets with choice words and placards to protest Trump’s most recent attempt at tyranny, the infamous immigration ban. Pictures of friends, family, and celebrities alike infiltrated and took over our news feeds, and I was astounded. Even the one in little old Newcastle attracted an estimated 2,000 supporters. I’m not gonna be fake and pretend I attended, because I didn’t - but only because I had no idea it was even happening up here!!!! I was annoyed that I couldn’t have shown my support, and protest for the rights of others who couldn't themselves in such a tangible way which is not often available to me. I have always wanted to attend a protest, feel the atmosphere and feel as if I'm taking part in even a tiny modicum of change, which is a shame. However, it is not our attendance at highly publicised events once in a blue moon that defines/legitimises our beliefs, but our mindset every day of the year.

Brands too are now jumping on the activism bandwagon, and despite their motives being questionable, the message is clear - we will not bow down to racism and inhumane treatment just because your title happens to read ‘President of the United States’. Trump’s immigration ban has sparked a string of brand initiatives to inspire resistance and show support to those the ban inflicts damage upon. Starbucks CEO wrote an open letter to staff committing to hiring 10,000 refugees and Airbnb’s Brian Chesky tweeted that it was providing free accommodation to anyone not allowed in the US. There has even been resistance towards brands not showing resistance! After Uber appeared to undermine the taxi strike at New York’s JFK airport protesting the ban, the condemnation of the popular taxi app was swift, with #deleteuber trending on Saturday. Rival company, Lyft, were quick on the uptake with CEO Logan Green tweeting on Sunday that the company was donating $1m to the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union). The result was Lyft’s downloads surpassing Ubers for the first time ever. In Trump’s America - activism sells.


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